10 Controversial Changes Movies Made To The Comic Book Source (That Actually Improved It)

8. Pretty Much Everything - A History Of Violence

Wolverine Costumes
New Line Cinema

The graphic novel A History Of Violence was written by John Wagner, who is a legend thanks to his work on 2000AD. Like the film adaptation, the comic deals with a seemingly normal man who defends himself during a robbery, but is later confronted by mobsters claiming he used to be a famous criminal.

The comic is pulpy and graphic, with scenes of brutal violence. The film is more cerebral and quiet, and deals with the fallout Tom’s past has on his family instead. Basically, the film has little to do with the comic, outside of the setup. In fact, nobody involved with the film seemed to like the comic much, but they found the concept intriguing.

The storyline and characters play out much differently, with the character of Richie changing from Tom’s childhood friend, to his evil brother. Those who read the book were surprised by just how different the film turned out to be, but the changes were ultimately for the best.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.