10 Controversial Changes Movies Made To The Comic Book Source (That Actually Improved It)

6. The Penguin Is An Actual Penguin - Batman Returns

Wolverine Costumes
Warner Bros.

In the comics, The Penguin was always depicted as an urbane, sophisticated crime boss with a love for trick umbrellas. Unlike a lot of Batman’s foes he’s not actually insane, but his intellect makes him just as dangerous.

Tim Burton - being who he is - wasn’t content with a simple redesign for Batman Returns, and decided to turn the character into a penguin-like human instead. He rubbed his trademark angst and gothiness over the character, making him the deformed son of aristocrats who tossed him into the sewers when he was a baby. He was raised by penguins, loves to eat raw fish and has flippers for hands; he's also a pervert and potential child killer.

It’s a seriously dark reinvention, and despite some fans being very unhappy this take went onto to inspire future comic and cartoon appearances of the character.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.