10 Controversial James Bond Movie Moments That Couldn't Exist Today

9. Turning Japanese (You Only Live Twice, 1967)

sean connery you only live twice

Although James Bond is a worldwide iconic hero of cinema, he’s really not very good at the spying part of his job description.

For a supposed “secret agent”, it’s remarkable how many seem to know of his existence. From enemy organisations to rival gunmen to some bloke in a Cairo club, everyone seems to know Bond’s name, affiliation and preferred drink.

So it was to the surprise of precisely no-one that a foolproof plan to disguise Bond as a Japanese villager in You Only Live Twice had absolutely zero effect. All Ernst Stavro Blofeld, 007’s biggest nemesis, has to do is take one look at Bond to know who he is, despite his cunning disguise.

Quite a wonder too, given that Bond’s undercover look consisted of little more than having his hair dyed and his chest waxed by half-naked Japanese girls. Absolutely necessary? Of course not. It wouldn’t have been any different, or less embarrassing, if Bond were having blackface applied by this scantily clad group.

Modern day PC version: The concept actually was given another go in 2002’s Die Another Day, which involved a North Korean war criminal using gene therapy to transform into a white Brit… but the less said about that, the better.


Chest thumping James Bond and Haruki Murakami fanatic living in China. Once had a fever dream about riding a rowboat with Davos Seaworth. He hasn't updated this section since Game of Thrones was cool, and boy does it show.