10 Cool Scenes Cut From Tim Burton's Batman Movies

8. The Cobblepot Brothers - Batman Returns

Batman Tim Burton Robin
Warner Bros.

Max Shreck might be a bad dude, but he still has something of a heart; When the Penguin plays to kill his son he begs him to take him instead. In the original script, however, it was revealed there was more to the character than meets the eye.

It turns out he was the older son of the Cobblepot family, the “golden boy.” When his parents threw the deformed baby Cobblepot into the sewer Max was disgusted, divorcing them when he came of age and seeking his own fortune, a secret Max keeps until the final act.

This reveal was ultimately a twist too many, so it was taken out. It certainly would have been interesting to contrast the lives of the two men, but the movie moves along fine without it.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.