10 Cool-Sounding Upcoming Movies That We Really Don’t Need

3. The Sinister Six

Why It Sounds Cool: The Sinister Six is the next entry in Sony's confused Spider-Man franchise, but after two films that repeated what we'd seen before (origins and too many villains respectively), this one looks set to do something new. The titular Six are a team created to bring down everyone's once-favourite web-crawler, meaning we'll finally get to see a group of villains come together not just out of narrative convenience. What part Spider-Man will play in this (rumours suggest he'll team up with them once an even bigger threat arises) we don't know, but the idea of a new perspective may be just what the franchise needs. Why We Don't Really Need It: This movie really only prolongs Sony keeping ahold of the rights to a character everyone wants to see go back to Marvel. And beyond that, on a more basic level, the movie itself already has shaky foundations. It may try and distance itself from The Amazing Spider-Man 2, but some elements will have to remain; this much hyped team will feature the lacklustre Green Goblin, the lacklustre Rhino and probably the lacklustre Lizard, making for a rather insipid proposition. It's a nice idea, but they've already mishandled a lot of the key building blocks.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.