10 Crazy Movie Conspiracy Theories You Need To Hear

5. Marisa Tomei's Oscar Was Awarded By Mistake

Nicolas Cage Time

At the 1993 Academy Awards, an underdog victory to rival Rocky occurred when Marisa Tomei picked up the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress over screen titans Judy Davis, Joan Plowright, Vanessa Redgrave and Miranda Richardson.

The then-newcomer bagging the accolade for her role in My Cousin Vinny over Hollywood royalty was too much for some to comprehend, and the theory that Tomei was given the gong in error was born there and then.

Those who refuse to accept this unlikely turn of events claim awards host Jack Palance read out the wrong name that night, through either confusion or the effects of alcohol, forcing the academy to let the actress keep the Oscar so it could save face.

In the absence of any firm evidence, this is all a bit harsh on Tomei, who has gone on to receive two further nominations in the same category since then.

And if this urban legend has any substance to it, shouldn't La La Land have been allowed to keep its Best Picture accolade at last year's Oscars?

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