10 Crazy Movie Conspiracy Theories You Need To Hear

4. Fargo Really Is Based On A True Story

Nicolas Cage Time
Gramercy Pictures

Films claim to have been inspired by real-life events all the time, often for stylistic purposes more than the tenuous basis they have in reality.

Coen Brothers classic Fargo is one such movie. The opening credits say it was "based on a true story" but the accuracy of this statement is steeped in controversial debate.

The filmmakers later admitted that only the scenes involving dealership registration numbers and the woodchipper murder were based on actual events and the rest of Fargo is pure fiction, but not everyone's convinced they're being straight up.

A long-running conspiracy theory suggests the "based on a true story" part should be taken literally and the Coen brothers have a mysterious ulterior motive for downplaying that fact in the wake of Fargo's release.

Some fans are even believed to have travelled to North Dakota to uncover the money that Steve Buscemi’s character buried in the film, or so the urban legend goes.

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