10 Crazy Movie Conspiracy Theories You Need To Hear

3. A Film Called Shazaam Has Been Wiped From Existence

Nicolas Cage Time
David Adkins

This conspiracy theory was freed from its bottle when an Internet forum user asked cyber space why he could find a genie movie from his childhood called Shazaam, which starred comedy actor Sinbad.

Some of the respondents had no idea what he was waffling on about while others swore that they too remember the film, but also couldn't find hide nor hair of it.

An urban legend was born, a crackpot theory claiming the Sinbad movie has been purged from existence. Others have even cited this as proof of parallel universes.

Although most Sinbad films should probably undergo this fate, there's a more logical explanation for the confusion. Fact checking website Snopes puts the phenomenon down to the 'Mandela Effect', an informal term for collective false memories.

It seems the Internet took the genie film Kazaam starring Shaquille O’Neal and reimagined it as a Sinbad movie, or something like that.

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