10 Creepiest David Lynch Characters

1. The Mystery Man (Lost Highway)

Twin Peaks Little Man
October Films

BOB would comfortably be David Lynch's most horrifying creation were it not for the underrated Lost Highway. Perhaps Lynch's most divisive movie, it's also the closest he has come to making a pure horror film. It follows saxophonist Fred Madison (Bill Pullman) as he begins to reveal strange video tapes, first of the outside of his house, then of he and his wife asleep in bed.

The whole film has an oppressive and unsettling atmosphere, but things really kick up a gear when Fred is approached by a strange man at a party. This fellow is pale, dressed all in black, with no eyebrows and an unnerving gaze. He says that he and Fred have met before, and when Fred says he doesn't remember, the man says it was at Fred's house. "As a matter of fact," he continues, "I'm there right now." Fred calls his house, and sure enough, the man answers.

The mystery man is almost a mythical figure in Lost Highway, appearing at key points to aid various characters. His motivations and true loyalties are never revealed. To begin with, it seems as though he is an enemy of Fred's, and he later appears with the gangster Mr Eddie. Towards the end of the film, however, he stands by Fred's side, killing Mr Eddie.

Whoever the mystery man is, and whatever he wants, he is a petrifying presence, and not only David Lynch's creepiest character, but one of the creepiest movie characters of all time.


Aspiring author. Film reviewer. Bestiary curator. Burgeoning misanthrope.