10 Creepiest David Lynch Characters

2. Killer BOB (Twin Peaks)

Twin Peaks Little Man

Of all of Twin Peaks' weird and disturbing residents, Killer BOB is by far the worst. In a world of giants and spirits, the grey-haired, denim-clad killer stands out as someone so reprehensible and so downright creepy that all of the spectral horses in the world can't hold a candle to him.

BOB's first appearance is so subtle it is easy to miss. When Sarah Palmer awakens from a nightmare, a blurry face can be seen in the mirror behind her. This happened by accident; set dresser Frank Silva's reflection was filmed by mistake, but Lynch liked the unsettling effect so much he kept the shot in, and cast Silva as BOB, the possessing spirit who killed Laura Palmer.

BOB is the true antagonist of Twin Peaks. Forget Jean Renault, forget Windom Earle. Despite his limited appearances, BOB remains the series' core villain. Every time he appears, it is terrifying - from Madeleine Ferguson's vision of him slowly crawling towards her through the Palmers' living room to Dale Cooper's confrontation with him in the Black Lodge.

BOB has haunted countless nightmares since Twin Peaks first aired, but he will sadly not be featured in the series' revival. Frank Silva tragically died in 1995, and it remains to be seen how Twin Peaks will go on without its most horrifying character.


Aspiring author. Film reviewer. Bestiary curator. Burgeoning misanthrope.