10 Creepy Similarities Between Nolan And Burton’s Batman Movies

8. Joker - TV Personality

Using TV in of itself isn€™t anything worth commenting on. The major home media distribution method of the 20th Century, it€™s not surprising both Nicholson and Ledger used it to spread terror through Gotham. You imagine the Joker would have had a Twitter feed of chaotic thoughts if he€™d come around a couple of years later. So when I draw attention to the pivotal role the Joker€™s on-air announcements play in his plot, I€™m not simply being screen deep. Both Batman and The Dark Knight feature faux-spontaneous broadcasts from the Clown Prince of Crime that allow him a major platform to announce his already-in-motion plans. Both use existing TV personalities to make their twisted point, and, most importantly, both have purposely low production values; Nicholson over-exaggerates his cheap infomercial, while Ledger had the means and obsession to create something polished. These are little links that lead to one umbrella similarity; both are presenting a rough-round-the-edges, terror-invoking Joker brand. It€™s not using TV that€™s worth commenting, but what they do with it.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.