10 Criminally Underrated 90's Movies

8. Miller's Crossing (1990)

Many people glance over this Pre-Fargo Coen Brother movie when talking about their bests films, and it is not that hard to see why. Overshadowed completely by the contemporary Scorsese mobster-flick Goodfellas in 1990 and hard to follow with its labyrinthine dialogue and old-slang terms. Nonetheless, if one is patient and gives this film a chance, or two, they'll be rewarded with a unique and see the tune-up for Fargo six years later. Gabriel Byrne, in his best role, plays Tom Regan a mercenary-for-hire in a town that stinks to high-hell. He has no loyalties, or so it seems, to either one of the two prominent gangs in town. One is headed by Albert Finney's Leo, whose relationship with Tom may be more than is apparent who shares territory with Johnny Casper (Joe Polito). Gambling is the main game in town, and is what leads to bloody clashing between the two rivals. Meanwhile, Tom gets coozy with Leo's main squeeze Verna. There has been speculation that there is not just one love triangle going on with Tom-Leo-Verna, between three of the gangsters in the movie. If so that adds more to the already complex narrative, in any case there is a lot to read into this Coen Brother morality tale.
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Writer and film-nut I'm willing to have perfectly reasonable discussions about the movies I love... on the internet... perhaps I asked too much. Read and comment on my personal blog too at cityuponahillmedia.com/blog