10 Criminally Underrated 90's Movies

7. Primary Colors (1998)

A funny and even truthful take on US politics, Primary Colors stars John Travolta as a candidate thinly-veiled as Bill Clinton, running in the primaries for Presidential election. Emma Thompson co-stars wonderfully as the Hilary surrogate, always at his side but aware of her husbands extracurricular activities. The scandals, real and made-up, begin to mount as the campaign rolls along. The overtaxed campaign manager, played well by Adrian Lester, always tries to get the campaign back on point. At times a tad too melodramatic (especially towards the end), but nonetheless entertaining and even at times insightful at the campaigning process. The peaks and valleys are all portrayed well, even better with the notion that this is loosely based on Clinton's run for president. With the country caught up in the Lewinsky Scandal this one slipped in-between the cracks, unfortunately. For everyone that enjoyed George Clooney's The Ides of March, this is a better examination of how far will people go to win a political race. One of the last great roles for Travolta following his career turn around in Pulp Fiction, this should have received more support amongst constituents.
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Writer and film-nut I'm willing to have perfectly reasonable discussions about the movies I love... on the internet... perhaps I asked too much. Read and comment on my personal blog too at cityuponahillmedia.com/blog