10 Criminally Underused Spells And Potions In Harry Potter

7. Love Potions

Ron Spider Harry Potter
Warner Bros.

Effect: Causes a powerful infatuation or obsession.

Rowling always exercised a degree of caution when it came to romantic exploits. Sure, there were several notable couples throughout the series, but the amount of amorous activity amongst the students of Hogwarts was not very realistic.

In this sense, it’s unsurprising that love potions were only prominent in one book (The Half-Blood Prince), during which Ron accidently consumed one made by Romilda Vane.

As funny as this scene was, it does raise the question as to why love potions weren’t more prominent. Granted, making such a potion is both difficult and immoral given the effect it can have.

Yet there’s no denying people do foolish things in their teen years, and as such, Rowling should have at least mentioned love potions a bit more often in her stories, as it would have created a more authentic adolescent environment.

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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.