10 Criminally Underused Spells And Potions In Harry Potter

5. Veritaserum

Ron Spider Harry Potter
Warner Bros.

Effect: Forces the drinker to tell the truth.

The most significant use of Veritaserum was during the interrogation of Barty Crouch Junior in The Goblet of Fire. But after that, the only other time it was used was in The Order of the Phoenix when Umbridge was trying to get information off Harry.

Nevertheless, Veritaserum would have been invaluable in the pursuit of criminal justice, yet not once in any of the trials described by Rowling is Veritaserum utilised. Had all the captured Death Eaters been forced to drink this truth potion, the Ministry would have been able to gather much more information on Voldemort and his supporters.

Given that Snape and Slughorn were the only two characters who ever possessed any Veritaserum in both the books and the movies, said potion is undoubtedly tricky to make. But that still doesn’t explain why an organisation such as the Ministry of Magic did not have a stock of it.

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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.