10 Criminally Underused Spells And Potions In Harry Potter

4. The Disillusionment Charm

Ron Spider Harry Potter
Warner Bros

Effect: Causes the target to take on the exact colour and shape of their surroundings.

Though not as effective as Harry’s Invisibility Cloak, the Disillusionment Charm effectively makes the target invisible provided the spell is performed properly.

Granted, Harry almost always had his Invisibility Cloak on hand, so it wouldn’t have made much sense for him to have used the charm. But for the majority of other characters, it would have been an incredibly useful spell.

In the Triwizard Tournament, for example, not once did any of the champions think to use it, and given the number of obstacles they had to get past, the Disillusionment Charm would have served them well.

As for the Death Eaters, Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle are the only ones who ever used the spell throughout the series, and given how gifted some of Voldemort’s supporters were, it seems odd that they didn’t use the Disillusionment Charm more often.

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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.