10 Criminally Underused Spells And Potions In Harry Potter

3. The Elixir Of Life

Ron Spider Harry Potter
Warner Bros.

Effect: Makes the drinker immortal if consumed regularly.

As well as possessing the ability to turn any metal into pure gold, the Philosopher’s Stone could also produce the Elixir of Life.

Given this extraordinary quality, it’s no surprise that Voldemort attempted to steal the Stone during Harry’s first year. However, no other character ever showed the slightest interest in it.

In fairness to Rowling, she did make it clear that Nicolas Flamel was the only known maker of the Philosopher’s Stone, but it still seems incredibly unlikely that no one else in the magical world was ever able to create one.

Moreover, the stone was made in the 14th century by Flamel, and as such, it’s hard to believe that between then and the early 1990s no one else managed to replicate the Stone or obtain information about how it was made.

The other key issue in regard to the Stone was that Flamel seemed to have no desire to share, or even sell the Elixir. The ability to live forever (or even just to live for a little longer) is something that most people would beg to have. Yet – for whatever reason – Flamel and his wife are the only two people to have ever drunk it.

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Harry Potter
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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.