10 Cringe-Worthy Moments In Comic Book Movies

5. The Batman Growl

Despite being successful for a number of impressive things, Nolan's Batman trilogy was certainly not without its flaws. Though probably the most critically acclaimed of any comic book movies and being famous for some great stories and stellar performances, these Batman films are equally infamous for a few cringe-worthy elements. Topping this list would be Christian Bale's spectacular aural sensation that is the Batman growl. Thought plaudits should obviously go to the filmmakers and Bale himself for recognising the importance of having their hero distinguish his vocals from those of his counterpart Bruce Wayne, you have to assume there was surely a better way? Well, actually, we know there is. In the popular 'Arkham' video game series, there are subtle differences between Wayne's voice and Batman's that serve well enough to protect the hero's secret identity, but are nowhere near as cringe-inducing as Bale's guttural growl. While many will more readily remember the hilarious efforts of Tom Hardy's Bane voice, Bale has to take the title for sustaining his embarrassing efforts across three films. His vocal coach will certainly be crossing Mr. Nolan off his Christmas card list...
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Spider-Man 3
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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.