10 Critically Reviled Action-Horror Movies (That Weren't Actually That Bad)

6. Alien: Covenant

Van Helsing 2004

A sequel to Prometheus, Alien: Covenant set itself a high bar by having an amazing marketing campaign, which made the lukewarm response to it feel all the worse. Critics stated it was a let-down as both a Prometheus sequel and an Alien prequel - but Alien: Covenant definitely has its merits.

The film is directed by Ridley Scott, so of course, it looks stunning. Practical effects and panning camera shots make for a gorgeous sci-fi world. The visuals of the gore are also incredibly graphic and realistic, which makes for a grounded in reality action/horror.

The performances throughout the ensemble cast are good across the board, with Michael Fassbender stealing scenes as the central android. His dual performance really elevates the film beyond generic space adventure, and adds legitimacy to the world that has been built.

Then we get the action... and the ending action sequence of this film is terrific. The Xenomorphs are shown to be a force to be reckoned with the first time since the original Alien films. They are both terrifying and vicious, making for a legitimately horrifying threat.

While not on the same level as Ridley Scott's original film, Alien: Covenant is an underrated sci-fi adventure with some truly impressive horror elements.

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Horror fanatic, exhausted wrestling fan and die hard Brendan Fraser stan.