10 Critically Reviled Action-Horror Movies (That Weren't Actually That Bad)

5. Ghost Rider

Van Helsing 2004
Columbia Pictures

Nicolas Cage's superhero outing marked the debut of Marvel Comics Ghost Rider on the big screen. While the adaptation may not be perfect, the film is an enjoyable superhero romp.

Cage makes for a great, albeit, crazy Johnny Blaze - you can tell he loved playing Johnny, particularly during some of the crazy transformation sequences.

The film is mildly accurate to the comic book as well, depicting some of Ghost Rider's most unique special abilities. This ranges from his Penance Stare to his ability to only be able to transform in darkness. The latter makes for a unique final battle, in which Johnny Blaze has to contend with both the villain Blackheart and the sun that is slowly rising.

Ghost Rider also features some cool action sequences, a highlight being a city chase featuring Ghost Rider and Abigor, a demon with wind based abilities. While Cage may not have a tremendous amount of chemistry with leading lady Eva Mendes, they are a passable couple, as you can see the connection between the two, but it is a bit more subdued than other superhero films.

Ghost Rider was ravaged by critics, earning a 26% score on Rotten Tomatoes. While Ghost Rider doesn't hold up to some of the MCU or even the DCEU's films, it is an enjoyable horror adventure.

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Horror fanatic, exhausted wrestling fan and die hard Brendan Fraser stan.