10 Critically-Reviled Comic Book Movies (That Weren't Actually That Bad)
7. Spider-Man 3
Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer Score: 62%
Critics Consensus: "Though there are more characters and plotlines, and the action sequences still dazzle, Spider-Man 3 nonetheless isn't quite as refined as the first two."
Though it doesn't necessarily end up a lot of 'Worst Superhero Movies Ever Made' lists, Spider-Man 3 does live in infamy for bringing an unsatisfactory end to Sami Raimi's web-slinger of a franchise. But before you go blaming it (if you haven't already), it's important to note that it didn't kill the franchise in the way that Batman & Robin nuked the Batman franchise. No, this one was just a sorely disappointing movie that lost sight of what made the series so darn good in the first place.
Its biggest offense is that it attempts to do too much because it's oversaturated with far too many villains for any of the arcs to get the chance to breathe. And yet, what is there works relatively well. Oh it's definitely underdeveloped on all fronts, but in all fairness to Spider-Man 3, it feels like a trailer for what could have been three great standalone movies.
Even though none of what happens is actually great, it isn't anywhere near as bad as some critics would have had you believing in 2007. Thankfully, the reception to it has softened over time, and if you're in the mood for some ridiculous entertainment, this has just enough lunacy to make you smile.
*cue Peter Parker happy dance*