10 Criticisms Of The Amazing Spider-Man Films That Are Completely Unfair

5. Spider-Man Let People Die In The Opening of The Amazing Spider-Man 2

The Amazing Spider-Man Andrew Garfield
Sony Pictures

Near the beginning of The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Spider-Man tries to stop a truck being driven by Aleksei Sytsevich, the criminal who would later become the Rhino. But rather than immediately try to stop him as he is rampaging through the streets of the city, Spidey jokes around with him for a bit by the driver's window.

This might seem as if Spider-Man is being callous towards the destruction Aleksei is causing and is not taking his role of 'hero' seriously. But is that what actually happens?

It's true that Aleksei smashes his way through many different cars, but this mostly happens before Spider-Man catches up with the chase. After he reaches Aleksei's truck, the truck doesn't hit any other cars. Then there is a brief moment in which Aleksei turns away to grab a gun, and while he is doing that, Spider-Man takes the wheel and turns out of the way of a car that was about to be hit. A few moments later, when the truck is about to crash through a junction, Spider-Man leaps away to save Max Dillon, a pedestrian who was about to be killed by a car flying towards him.

The fact that Spider-Man can't simply stop the truck whenever he likes is shown by the fact that later on, when he is relentlessly trying to stop it because he is late for Gwen's speech, he still can't, and the truck only comes to a complete stop after it hits a bus.


Caleb Howells hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.