10 Criticisms Of The Amazing Spider-Man Films That Are Completely Unfair

4. Electro Looks Like Doctor Manhattan  

The Amazing Spider-Man Andrew Garfield

Much like the Lizard's design in the first film, the design of Electro came under fire. One criticism was that it looks bad because it is just Jamie Fox glowing (basically like Dr Manhattan from The Watchmen). Secondly, there is the claim that it is not comic accurate.

The first claim is tragic, because it is painfully untrue. The special effects artists went to an extraordinary effort to perfect the portrayal of electricity within Electro's design. From far away, perhaps he does just look like he's glowing, but whenever there is a closeup shot of his face or any other part of his body, we see that it looks as if there is a thunderstorm raging inside him. There is a definite sense of depth through his body, like when you see lightning flashing deep inside a thundercloud. It is a beautiful design that goes far beyond just 'glowing'.

The second criticism is equally incorrect. Electro's look is lifted straight from the Ultimate comics. Ultimate Electro glows blue, just like the Electro from the film, and on the occasions in which he wears an outfit, he has a black suit that goes up to his neck, just like Jamie Fox's version. Far from not being comic accurate, the design of Electro in the film is an awesome adaptation of the design of Electro from the Ultimate comics.


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