10 Criticisms Of The Amazing Spider-Man Films That Are Completely Unfair

3. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Had Too Many Villains

The Amazing Spider-Man Andrew Garfield
Sony Pictures

Another main criticism of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is that it was overloaded with too many villains, just like Spider-Man 3. But does this criticism really make sense?

Well, no. There are loads of very, very good films that have multiple villains, such as Batman Begins. So despite the fact that a lot of people did not like the writing in The Amazing Spider-Man 2, the number of villains was not a problem. First of all, Aleksei is used for the opening and closing action scenes only. Lots of films have opening and closing action scenes, and the fact that The Amazing Spider-Man 2 chose to use a single well-known villain for those scenes rather than random goons doesn't make it overloaded at all. In fact, it's elegant.

The main bulk of the film is devoted to Electro. No one can say that his story was rushed or made the film overloaded. It's true that there is also another main villain, the Green Goblin, but his storyline mainly overlaps with Electro's, meaning that the film does not need to battle between providing space for Electro or providing space for the Goblin.

While the Goblin does only appear in the climax, Harry's character is developed throughout the film, leading to him finally becoming the Goblin and facing off against Spider-Man. Exactly the same thing is done in Iron Man (2008) with the Iron Monger, and Thor (2011) with Loki.


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