10 DC Comics Characters Dwayne Johnson Could Be Playing

10. Green Lantern/John Stewart

Let's get the obvious ones out of the way first. Since Johnson's tweet, rampant speculation has assumed the John Stewart incarnation of Green Lantern as a possible role. While definitely interesting, there would be advantages and drawbacks inherent to such a casting. On the plus side, the travesty of the Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern (which I lovingly refer to as "Blackest Night") would be left in the dust. In most incarnations, John Stewart has mostly played second fiddle to Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner and even Guy Gardner. But the DC film universe can go bold by introducing John Stewart ahead of the pack. Seeing as how Man of Steel 2/Batman vs. Superman/Whatever the Heck It's Called is shaping up to be a pseudo-Justice League flick anyway, one of the Green Lanterns will definitely need an introduction sometime soon. In the much-loved Justice League animated series, John Stewart made the roster over any other human Lantern, and the team dynamic was much improved due to his mostly surly demeanor. John Stewart is tough, but at heart he's a good guy - and that describes almost every character The Rock has ever played. The main drawback could be his onscreen chemistry with other members of the Justice League, whether he appears in Batman vs. Superman or a secret solo movie. I can't picture the likes of Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck, fine actors though they are, seeming anything but tiny next to Johnson's hulking, charismatic presence. Sure, John Stewart is never quite buddy-buddy with anyone, and I'm not saying that DC should cast people who Cavill and Affleck can easily boss around. But still, Superman and Batman (and Wonder Woman, depending on who you ask) are undoubtedly the head honchos in the DCU, and John Stewart's Lantern is secondary tier at best. These are probably trivial concerns, though, considering how out-of-focus the long-term DC Cinematic Universe is at this point. Chances Dwayne Johnson will play John Stewart: Pretty high, and not just based on the rumors. The Rock can definitely carry a franchise, and the Green Lantern Corps could be integral to the DC Universe under his guidance.

Matt is a writer and musician living in Boston. Read his film reviews at http://motionstatereview.wordpress.com.