10 DC Comics Characters Dwayne Johnson Could Be Playing

6. Deathstroke/Slade Wilson

The assassin Deathstroke is without a doubt one of the most badass villains in comic book history. He first appeared as an antagonist for the Teen Titans, soon graduating to fight greater heroes like Batman, gaining his own spinoff series, and even appearing in the role of an antihero on occasion. While undeniably cool, Deathstroke isn't always a major supervillain as far as the Justice League is concerned. As no plot details of Batman vs. Superman had been laid out yet, it's unclear whether someone like Deathstroke would have a role to play, supporting or otherwise. If it's a project other than Batman vs. Superman, DC may want Johnson to take on a more recognizable character. But Deathstroke's character could be a good fit for Johnson, as the wrestler-turned-actor rarely plays a completely villainous role. Tough, yes, ruthless, yes, but Johnson's characters always have a bit of heart to them. For the most part, Deathstroke is just someone you don't want to mess with. But the comic arcs that concern his family and his more human qualities (you know, aside from assassinating people) tend to carry much more weight than those that don't. Deathstroke will eventually show up in the DC Cinematic Universe, and the tough villain-turned-antihero version would be the most intriguing. Chances Dwayne Johnson will play Deathstroke: Who knows? The plot and the level of involvement on Johnson's part would dictate this one, but it would be cool.

Matt is a writer and musician living in Boston. Read his film reviews at http://motionstatereview.wordpress.com.