10 DC Comics Characters Dwayne Johnson Could Be Playing

4. Martian Manhunter

Another yet-to-be-cast Justice Leaguer with more clout than Cyborg is the Manhunter from Mars, sometimes known as J'onn J'onzz, the kindhearted but strongwilled alien who found a new home on Earth. Rumor has it that the Martian Manhunter may appear in Batman vs. Superman, but regardless of his entrance Dwayne Johnson could very well be the guy to play him. As far as characterizations go, J'onn J'onzz is a sympathetic hero with tragedy in his past and in his present - his home and family were destroyed, forcing his exile to Earth, and his arrival on Earth further forced him to change his appearance in order to fit in. While he's not the most popular member of the Justice League, there is a huge amount of dramatic potential in his history. An actor like Johnson could bring the obvious physicality to the role while also exploring these more subtle elements, and as we saw with the characterization of Superman in Man of Steel, finding a balance between the physical and the emotional is very important. Like a few other characters on this list, Martian Manhunter will definitely show up at some point in the DC Cinematic Universe. If not played by Johnson, someone with his prowess in both physical representation and emotional characterization will be needed. Chances Dwayne Johnson will play Martian Manhunter: Fair.

Matt is a writer and musician living in Boston. Read his film reviews at http://motionstatereview.wordpress.com.