10 DC Comics Characters Dwayne Johnson Could Be Playing

3. Mongul

Mongul is a formidable villain, make no mistake. He's big enough to lay a beatdown on Superman and smart enough to hold his own against any other superhero. But his motives, usually, aren't based in pure evil like those of Darkseid or Sinestro. He's a baddie, sure enough - but he's exactly the kind of baddie that The Rock could relish playing. As lord of a planet called Warworld, some of the best incarnations of Mongul see him presiding over gladiatorial fights to the death, one of which Superman becomes involved in when he is imprisoned on the planet. Mongul's hunger for power isn't as far-reaching as Darkseid's, and his delight in the games and eventual participation in a fight against Superman would make for a hell of a movie. He has been used to varying degrees of effectiveness over several arcs since his introduction to the DC comic universe, and in the same way he could either become a single-movie villain (like Zod in Man of Steel) or be stretched into a recurring role. Again, Johnson is already a big part of a couple franchises (namely Fast & Furious) and his role in the DC universe may very well be confined to a single appearance. Chances Dwayne Johnson will play Mongul: Who knows?

Matt is a writer and musician living in Boston. Read his film reviews at http://motionstatereview.wordpress.com.