10 DC Movie Deleted Scenes You Need To See

6. Superman Returns: The Return To Krypton

Batman Forever
Warner Bros

It's fair to say that Superman Returns isn't one of the more popular DC movies, but it did produce one of its most expensive deleted scenes - this $10 million doozy.

Interestingly, the original plan was to show Brandon Routh's Man of Steel pay a visit to the remains of Krypton, only for the costly footage to end up in the recycle bin.

Although the scene has little bearing on the overarching plot, it actually feels like Superman, which is more than anyone can say of the rest of the movie.

The inclusion of this sequence, which was supposed to take place early in the movie, would also have added some context to Lex Luthor's plan to create a new continent from Kryptonian crystal, but when you can afford to bin $10 million worth of footage, plot cohesion is clearly a secondary concern.

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