10 DC Storylines That Need To Be Adapted To Film

6. Batman: Death In The Family

Batman Death in the Family Robin Death
DC Comics

When you talk about emotional moments in comic book history, several images pop up in your head, and one of those images is Batman holding the lifeless body of his murdered teenage ward. This story completely shocked the world with its dark tone as The Joker repeatedly beats Robin with a crowbar, and later blows up the building he is trapped in.

An element that has been missing from the Batman movies is the relationship between Batman and The Batfamily, and this would be a fantastic instalment into a Bat Saga. Bats is at his best whenever he is angry, but one thing we haven't really seen play out on the big screen is a Batman/Bruce Wayne handling grief. When Bruce lost Rachel in The Dark Knight Trilogy nothing actually changed. He just sat in a chair for a few minutes while looking at his mask and then carried on as if nothing had happened. That's not grieving, that's just a lazy way of writing a scene!

Another reason why this HAS to be adapted is because it shows just how vital the Robin character means to Batman. Robin is more than just Bats' sidekick; he is his ally, his friend, and one of his moral compasses. Without having Robin on the field, Bats would be dead ten times over, and its time for the rest of the world to understand that as well. Plus the story already has a sequel set up, and speaking of...


My name is Blake Whitehouse and I am a 24 year old from Indiana in the United States. My love of Star Wars, DC Comics, Pokémon, and video games have led me to where I am in life.