10 Deadliest Movie Viruses

1. Contagion

Virus: "MEV-1" - SARS-like, spread by fomites Symptoms: Vomiting, seizures, brain damage. Contagion is remarkable for just how eerily realistically it manages to depict the spread of a virus, and the effect it can have on the general population. Similarly to the Ebola epidemic that is currently making headlines, Contagion shows that the panic that accompanies an epidemic can be even more damaging than the virus itself. The virus itself is particularly dangerous because it kills around a quarter of those infected, allowing it to spread far more easily than those that have extremely high mortality rates. Initial symptoms also resemble the Common Cold, meaning that it's easy for carriers to pass on the virus to hundreds of people before even realising they're infected. Contagion also demonstrates just how easy something like this can happen, after it's revealed that one chef not washing his hands was ultimately the cause of the entire epidemic. What do you think is the most terrifying movie virus? Are there any we missed? Let us know in the comments below!

Tom Butler hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.