10 Deadliest Superweapons In Star Wars

6. Death Star

The Sun Crusher Star Wars

The first and most recognisable superweapon in the Space Opera is the Death Star. Appearing in A New Hope, the Death Star could produce a powerful blast, which could range from destroying a city, to an entire planet.

Considering the Death Star was a complete and fully operational battle station, one of the biggest dangers the superweapon posed to the galaxy other than its laser blasts was its maneuverability. The Death Star was fully equipped with a hyperdrive, meaning it could travel virtually anywhere in the Star Wars universe. Therefore, if the Empire deemed a planet to be a threat, the station could get from one side of the galaxy to the other, and completely obliterate the planet, as was seen with the rebel-sympathising Alderaan.

The Death Star's only weakness was an intentional flaw created by the rebellious Galen Erso. Erso, the designer of the weapon, grew to hate the Empire, and included a major flaw in the Death Star with the hopes that it could be destroyed. Thankfully, the plans exposing this flaw made it to the Rebellion, meaning they now had the means to eradicate the weapon. So, without the betrayal of Erso, the rebels would not have been able to destroy the Death Star, and it likely would have tormented the galaxy until the Rebellion was extinguished.

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