10 Debunked Movie Myths You Totally Believe

8. An Alternate Ending - King Kong Vs Godzilla

The Dark Knight

In 1963's monster horror classic King Kong vs Godzilla, the two goliaths battle through Mount Fuji and end up in the Pacific Ocean, where Kong proves victorious in the fight. Emerging from the water with Godzilla nowhere in sight, he starts to swim back to his island home.

In a 1960s movie magazine, an article spoke about the film at great length, but incorrectly proclaimed that the Japanese version of the film shows Godzilla coming up victorious against his foe.

Whilst several aspects of the Japanese version are different from others, including some changed dialogue, soundtrack switch-ups and an added earthquake during the final showdown, there is no version of the film in which Godzilla wins.

For a long time, this was believed to be true, that an alternate version was out there waiting for the masses to watch, but with the rise of home video and the Internet, the myth has been well and truly debunked.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.