10 Debunked Movie Myths You Totally Believe

7. Munchkin Suicide - The Wizard Of Oz

The Dark Knight

This is about as morbid and upsetting as movie myths have ever been. Most urban legends are harmless, behind-the-scenes fun, but when it comes to The Wizard of Oz, things take a bleak nosedive.

The story goes that as Dorothy, the Scarecrow and the Tin Man are headed down the magical Yellow Brick Road, you can see a shrouded figure in the background. For years, it was believed that it was a munchkin actor committing suicide on camera, unseen by the cast and crew on set and left in the finished movie.

Many other rumours have swirled about the figure, from some claiming it's a wayward stagehand to others saying it was simply something falling from the set.

The story persisted for a worryingly long time, and it wasn't until the film came out on Blu-Ray that the myth was finally dispelled.

As it turns out, it was not a suicidal actor in the background (or a member of the crew getting in the shot), but a bird the studio had on loan from the Los Angeles Zoo.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.