10 Debunked Movie Myths You Totally Believe

6. The Big Door Was Big Enough - Titanic

The Dark Knight

The ultimate in modern movie myths, Titanic's big door debate has raged for years. In hopes of ending the argument once and for all, Mythbusters decided to put the situation to the test.

What they found was pretty cut-and-dry. Not only did their experiment show that Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) couldn't get on the door with Rose (Kate Winslet), they also showed that the only way the door could possibly stay up was if Rose tied her life jacket under the door to counteract the weight.

Director James Cameron turned up for the episode, and said that the whole thing had been blown way out of proportion. He pointed out that Jack actually tries to get on the door but nearly flips it, so he doesn't try again in order to save Rose. He also said that all of the film's detractors were "missing the point" and that "Jack had to die."

In response to the Mythbusters' buoyancy test, he said that there would have been no way for Rose or Jack to think that fast given the situation, and that the Mythbuster boys were "full of sh*t" despite his enjoyment doing the show.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.