10 Debunked Movie Myths You Totally Believe

5. The Water Is Milk - Singin' In The Rain

The Dark Knight

This movie "fact" is everywhere you look when searching for Singin' in the Rain. One of the greatest movie musicals of all time, it is said that milk was added to the water so the titular rain would show up better on camera.

According to actress Debbie Reynolds, actor and director Gene Kelly and co-director Stanley Donen, the whole story is a lie. Donen would go on to say:

"When you're shooting rain, it has to be backlit, or you may not see it very well. There are have been a lot of stories about how he put milk in the water so you could see the rain. It's not true. You have to put light behind the rain so that the raindrops show. If you put the light in front of the rain, with no light behind it, the rain disappears."

So there you have it, from the man who was there: there was no milk-rain in Singin' in the Rain, just a lot of heart and a lot of work to make the film come together.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.