10 Deeply Disturbing Disney And Pixar Fan Fictions

3. Mating 101: A Guide To Robot Love

Beauty And The Beast NSFW

Wall-E fan fiction Mating 101: A Guide to Robot Love takes place six months after the Axiom has returned to Earth and sees our hero and heroine Wall-E and Eve cohabitating in his trailer as common law husband and wife.

There’s something missing from their relationship though, as Wall-E soon finds out when he watches an old video he’s salvaged – Backdoor Sluts 9 – and discovers he quite likes what he sees on screen and would like to replicate it with Eva.

The problem is, he’s a robot and not programmed in the ways of love-making but luckily finds an app online that can teach him everything he needs to know. He just needs to make a few ‘modifications’ first. By which we mean installing them both with mechanical genitals, his being a big black metal rod which may have been something he picked up while watching Backdoor Sluts 9.

Things go a bit Boxing Helena when Wall-E upgrades Eva without her consent, but apart from that it’s actually quite a tame and technical tale of robotic smut. It sadly remains unfinished and was abandoned before Wall-E and Eva get down to the good stuff but it does offer some good chat-up lines like “open yourself up and access your mating programme” and “my brace is vibrating, and the rest of my structure feels hot”.

Choice Quote: “Hearing Wall-E talk like that made her circuits tingle.”

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