10 Deeply Disturbing Disney And Pixar Fan Fictions

2. Beastiality

Beauty And The Beast NSFW

Penned by a certain fan fiction scribe going by the name of MsSmuttly, who at her own admission finds the Beast rather attractive, Beastiality is tale of interspecies love in case the rather obvious title didn’t give that away.

Written from Belle’s viewpoint, it takes place just after the Beast has rescued Belle from that pack of wolves and it’s making her view him in a whole different light. She starts to notice how appealing his thick, sandy fur and baby blue eyes are and before long her lust takes over and she’s sneaking off to his private quarters. Again, pun intended.

Being that the Beast is rather, ahem, large their rendezvous presents a few logistical problems but our Belle is a trooper and manages to find a way to work with his salami-sized appendage.

After all this hot and heavy bestial fornication, the Beast falls in love with Belle which causes his curse to be lifted, returning him to human form. There isn’t a happy ending though as Belle finds she’s disappointed by “rather ugly”, averagely endowed man that now stands before her. Can’t please everybody, eh?

Choice Quote: “Even flaccid his manhood draped across his thigh with a rather daunting girth”.

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