10 Delayed Movies That Will Land In 2021 And Still Bomb At The Box Office

8. Godzilla vs. Kong

Uncharted Tom Holland
Warner Bros.

The MonsterVerse got off to a solid start, with both Godzilla and Kong: Skull Island making over $500m apiece at the box office and scoring largely enthusiastic reviews, and it looked as though the shared universe of legendary kaiju was off and running.

However, Godzilla sequel King of the Monsters massively under-performed, with the movie's $385m take on a reported $200m budget reducing the profit margins to razor-thin proportions. The entire franchise has been building directly towards next year's Godzilla vs. Kong, and if it fails then the entire franchise could be dead in the water.

It hasn't helped that Adam Wingard's monster mash has been beset by troubles including extensive reshoots that were reportedly ordered following a disastrous test screening, and a release date that's been shifted multiple times already, not to mention the general apathy that greeted the MonsterVerse's last outing.

Not only will Godzilla vs. Kong need to become the highest-grossing entry yet just to break even, if fans and critics alike turn their noses up at it then both of the title heroes could be sent back into long-term hibernation.

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