10 Deleted Movie Scenes You Won’t Believe Actually Happened

7. Dr. Julia Harris Takes Things Too Far - Horrible Bosses 2

Harley Quinn Deadshot
Warner Bros. Pictures

One of the most talked about elements to come out of the first Horrible Bosses movie was the sight of Jennifer Aniston's Dr. Julia Harris routinely tormenting Charlie Day's Dale Arbus, with the character doing everything in her power to blackmail her colleague into sleeping with her.

Yet, things were taken up a notch when it came to the film's eventual sequel, to the point where the folks behind the feature definitely felt they'd gone a little too far.

As Aniston explained in an appearance on CONAN, one deleted scene involved intercourse with her character that "was kind of, not even mutual". It would've seen Harris having un-consensual sex with Dale whilst he was in a coma, making it fairly obvious why the anything but funny scene was ultimately given the chop in the end.

The disturbing act is still alluded to in the sequel, which is a problem in its own right, but at least someone had the sense to see that throwing this horrendous sequence into the film would've invited more unwanted controversy aimed at Aniston's character and the film as a whole.

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