10 Deleted Scenes From 2017 You Must See

1. Get Out - A Game-Changing Revelation

michael fassbender alien covenant
Universal Pictures

If you watch the cinematic cut of Jordan Peele’s smash-hit debut Get Out, it's unequivocal that Allison Williams's Rose is a villain, and a despicable one at that, complicate in her family's plan to trap young black men and take over their minds.

This deleted scene, however, changes everything. It takes place after protagonist Chris has just been subjected to Rose's mother's hypnosis. “I was in a hole or something. And I couldn’t move,” he says, describing the experience.

“I had the same thing,” Rose replies. “She hypnotised me when I was in high school for stage fright and I had the craziest nightmares. But, I remember thinking, it worked.”

If this scene had remained in the movie, it would have raised the question of whether Rose is also a victim of her twisted family, forced to go along with their plans via hypnosis. Rose, of course, could have been lying in this scene to keep Chris in the dark about what's really going on. Then again, her story could be one of tragedy.

Peele obviously chose to omit the sequence because he felt the movie worked better with Rose as an out-and-out villain, but including it would no doubt have sparked healthy debate about her culpability.

An embeddable version of this clip is not available online, but check it out at HuffPost.


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