10 Deleted Scenes From 2017 You Must See

6. War For The Planet Of The Apes - Malcolm's Fate

michael fassbender alien covenant
Penthouse/20th Century Fox

War for the Planet of the Apes was a satisfying conclusion to an epic trilogy for the most part. Loose ends were tied up and Caesar's story arc came to an emotive close, but the cinematic cut left a major character's fate up in the air.

Malcolm, played by Jason Clark, was a key figure in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, but his whereabouts in the threequel were a complete mystery. Although he wasn't a part of War's story, the fans have a right to know what became of him.

Thanks to this deleted scene, they now have the answer to that question, and some of them might be sorry they asked. The sequence features a conversation between Woody Harrelson's Colonel and Caesar (who is just Andy Serkis sans mo-cap effects in this rough footage), and the villain reveals that he shot Malcolm dead after he pleaded with him to make peace with the apes, a sad end for a great character.

An embeddable version of the deleted scene is not available online, but it can be viewed over at Collider.


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