10 Deleted Scenes From 2017 You Must See

5. Alien: Covenant - The Prologue

michael fassbender alien covenant

Alien: Covenant wasn't the franchise-saving return to form the fans were hoping for, and part of the problem was that it felt like a jarring departure from the course its predecessor, Prometheus, had plotted.

This prologue that 20th Century Fox decided not to weave into the cinematic cut, would have solved some of its problems by forging stronger ties with the previous movie and revealing what happened to David and Elizabeth Shaw right after they fled LV-223 on the Engineer spacecraft.

Many were disappointed that Noomi Rapace's character was shunned by Covenant and killed off screen. Even with this prologue included in the final cut, unanswered questions around Shaw's fate and her relationship with David would still linger, but at least her role in the events leading into the sequel would have been acknowledged.


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