10 Depressing Things About Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn Of Justice

1. We'll All Be Sick Of It By The Time It Comes Out

The US release date for Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice was recently moved from its old place alongside Captain America 3 on May 6, 2016 to March 25, 2016. That may be two months sooner, but it's still over a year and a half away as of today, and we're inundated daily with plot details, leaked pictures from the set and new announcements from the studio regarding the future of their mega-franchise. And sooner or later we're just going to wish that BvS would just come out already so we can stop hearing about the damn thing. Not even The Avengers got this much buzz so long before it came out, did it? At this point, not even Age of Ultron can touch Dawn of Justice for sheer anticipation levels, despite the former coming out a full year before its rival, and its reception will in all likelihood be far better for not boring everyone to death about how exciting it's going to be. What it comes down to is this: by the time Batman v. Superman is released in 2016, you'll probably have read at least a couple dozens of articles just like these moaning about how everyone should shut up about the movie. And how fun does that sound? What do you think about Batman v. Superman? Are you as down about the film as we are, or are you far more optimistic about its chances? Let us know in the comments!

Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.