10 Despicable Movie Villains From The Last Decade We All Loved To Hate

6. Daniel Plainview €“ There Will Be Blood (2007)

''I have a competition in me. I want no one else to succeed. I hate most people.''
Played By: Daniel Day -Lewis The Villain: Daniel Plainview is the ruthless and obsessed protagonist in PT Anderson's epic film whose quest for wealth and power end up costing him everything. Plainview adopts a young orphan because he thinks it'll make him look better to potential sellers of land. He murders in cold blood a man who had claimed to be his half-brother and he bashes a preachers head in with a bowling pin. He is misanthropic, cruel and greedy. He'll even drink someone else's milkshake...what a b*stard. Most Despicable Moment: Plainview commits terrible deeds in his quest for riches but none are worse than disowning his son, the one person left in his life, for wanting to do something on his own. When his son approaches him to ask if he can dissolve their partnership so he can form his own company in Mexico, Daniel mocks his son's deafness and reveals his true origin as an orphan. It's a callous and cruel act as he repeatedly shouts that his son was a 'bastard in a basket'. His son leaves but not before echoing the thoughts of anyone watching, as he tells his father, 'I thank God I have none of you in me'.
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Writer from Cardiff. Fan of all rebels, rogues and rascals.