10 Directions A New Batman Trilogy Could Take

7. Hush

To be clear, I'm not asking for a faithful adaptation of the frankly terrible Hush storyline, (the Batman comic equivalent of a Michael Bay movie), but there are cues a potential trilogy could take from the popular series. Where Hush works is in functioning as a stepping-on point for readers new and old. It takes in almost the whole of Batman's rogues gallery (and what a gallery!) plus cameos from Superman and many other of the Dark Knight's friends and allies. Imagine how well a story like Hush (but not Hush) could be told in live action, with a decent story and better writing. With room for the requisite flashback sequences to fill in the gaps and employing every significant element of Batman's personality, its long form lends itself well to being split across three films. Now all they have to do is work out a way to make it good. So not Hush, then.
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A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.