10 Directions Sony Could Take The Amazing Spider-Man 3

8. The Sinister Six

One of the more surprising turns Sony has signposted (and actually officially announced is in the works) is a spin-off film that seems like their own half-hearted attempt to get a shared cinematic universe off the ground. What they've failed to realise there is that Marvel have a whole Avengers-worth of characters to give solo movies, while as in the Spider-Man universe...there's kind of just Peter Parker. And Aunt May, but that rumour seems like it was probably a brilliant joke than a genuine consideration. Anyway, apparently their genius idea is to give The Sinister Six €“ a team-up of Spidey villains who pool their resources to try and take down the rascally wallcrawler who defeated them each individually €“ their own film. Which was interesting because, well, how do you make a film about supervillains without (presumably) featuring a superhero for them to fight? Surely if Spider-Man was also going to be in the film, they'd just make that The Amazing Spider-Man 3? And even if he was in it and not the focus, would Andrew Garfield show up for a bit part? Drew Goddard, director of Cabin In The Woods, was in line to direct a €œa redemption story for the characters€ that may not feature Spidey, with Green Goblin, Kraven, Rhino, Electro and Mysterio making up the team. If they're actually still making it, anyway.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/