10 Directors Who Should Helm The X-Men Reboot

7. The Spierig Brothers

Joss Whedon XMen

Born in Germany and raised in Australia, Peter and Michael Spierig are twin brothers who are writers, directors and visual effects artists, best known for the vampire flick Daybreakers and time travel mystery Predestination. They have built a reputation for elaborate world building and complex storytelling, perfect experience for the X-Men series.

Their work on Daybreakers serves as the best example of what they could do with the X-Men series, a unique vampire film that shows vampires achieving world domination - but at the cost their potential survival because of a dwindling food supply, i.e. human blood.

The Spierig Brothers created a world in crisis as riots happen around the world, food prices are rising and there was a moral dilemma regarding what the government should do with devolved vampires that could become a burden on society.

This complex world building could easily be transferred to the X-Men, showing a tapestry of warring factions like the X-Men, The Brotherhood of Mutants, Mister Sinister's Marauders, governmental elements involving Senator Kelly and Bolivar Trask and hate groups like Friends of Humanity. The Spierig Brothers would be perfectly capable of creating a new universe involving the mutants.

Daybreakers also looked impressive for a film made with $20 Million budget, looking far more expensive. They could easily step up to a big budget blockbuster. The Spierig Brothers are currently working on a reboot of The Saw franchise, but their talents would be better served with a superhero franchise that has a lot more story potential.


Kieran Freemantle hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.