10 Directors Who Should Helm The X-Men Reboot

6. Jake Schrier

Joss Whedon XMen
Samuel Goldwyn Films

It has reported that FOX and producers were interested in making an X-Men film centred around younger characters. The OC and Chuck's Josh Schwartz was hired to write a screenplay based on the X-Men: First Class comic book series and considered to direct before it evolved into the 2011 prequel. The Fault in Our Stars' Josh Boone has also linked to writing a spin-off based on the New Mutants comics.

If FOX does plan to make a reboot starring a younger cast then a filmmaker like Jake Schrier should be considered. He has shown his ability with sci-fi with his debut Robot & Frank, a smart, indie film set in near future that was praised by critics where a retired burglar is given a robot helper. His follow-up Paper Towns was an adaptation of a John Green novel, focusing on a group of high school seniors searching a classmate who deliberately disappears.

Schrier is a young, emerging director who studios would want to tap up for a big project. He has enough experience to make a bigger budgeted film and he can combine his sci-fi story and a teenage drama/coming-of-age drama in the world of the X-Men.


Kieran Freemantle hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.