10 Directors Who Suffered The Most In 2015

9. Zack Snyder (Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice)

Considering he didn€™t even release a film in 2015, it€™s a little unfair to see how brutally Zack Snyder has been taking it online. Even though no one has seen more than a few minutes of footage, many (including myself) are holding him solely accountable for Batman V Superman. This attitude is presumptuous for a couple of reasons. The first is obviously that the movie could be fantastic. Everyone could be hating on a few trailers when the finished product in no way resembles them. Furthermore, blaming one singular person for a film that hundreds of people worked on is a faulty premise, but people are so passionate about these characters that logic often goes out the window when faced with a poor representation of them. To his credit, Zack Snyder has been taking all of the criticism in stride, and despite people wanting to hate on Snyder, no one actually wants this movie to suck. Hopefully Batman V Superman will blow everyone€™s socks off, or else look for him to occupy the top spot on this list next year.

Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.